Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Eight Pounds in One Month

Eight pounds in one month. Eight pounds and two ounces to be exact. Now I know why people who achieve this are so happy. Not to brag (or boast), but I can't believe how easy it's been for me. I'm pretty sure you can tell just by looking at me. It's not alot but I'm looking forward to that number climbing. The mantra is be patient and committed to see results. To be honest, the slower it goes, the better I like it. The results are truly amazing and I am completely mesmerized.

The next weigh-in is in a couple of weeks. Not to brag (or boast), but something tells me the scales will show close to 10 pounds. Not a huge change on the "scale" of things but a couple of pounds or even ounces goes beyond the numbers. The progress is intoxicating. Everyone just stares and stares. That's fine. I know they just can't help themselves.

So, you just keep eating everytime you get hungry. Make sure everyone stops whatever they are doing to make sure your being fed. I just bet the next time you get on the scales you have gained weight. But that's wonderful news to me. It means you're flourishing, Macyn Jewel!

p.s. I haven't lost a pound.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just When I Thought Life Couldn't Get Any Better

I know this blog has been dormant for a while. I really didn't think I had any reason to have a blog but, I don't mean to brag. I don't mean to boast. I know this sounds like lyrics from an old disco song, but it's actually how I feel right now. My mom always taught me to look on the bright side and that advice has truly paid off. Hence, the blog is revived with new intention and purpose.

I was warned by many when we became parents of not 1, not 2, but 3 girls that we were "really in for it." Boy, were they right and for that I am so glad! I'm pretty sure that these warnings came from folks born of parents less optimistic than my Mom. That's unfortunate for them. But nothing could have prepared us for the experience of being the parents of the girls we were given. We heard all of the horror stories about the high school years (2 down and 1 to go - even though she seems to think that 8th grade is farther than anyone needs to go!) but it didn't even resemble what I had been told. Those 5 years were very rewarding (no, neither failed -the 2 oldest are only a year apart graduating in '05 and then '06.)

Then came college and quite a few heated discussions/arguments regarding how/when/where they would attend. Selfishly we didn't want them going to far away.....not just because of safety but because we truly enjoy their company and experiencing "the experience" with them. They conceded and stayed close. But, as always, we were outsmarted and Val went to "study abroad" her junior year. Remember, look on the bright side. So, I got to travel to Spain with a good friend and visit while she was there. We also decided to send Katie there for her Christmas present so she could have "the experience" as well. I'm pretty sure that our money was well spent!! (They compare it to the Gunn Girl version of The Amazing Race.)

All during the oldest girls' college years, I was so grateful for my youngest. There were alot of people who thought I was crazy when we decided to have another 7 years after Val. It turned out, once again, to be a great thing. I think I would have made a terrible empty-nester. I always said that once the girls were all gone I was going to learn 3 new things - 1. Play the harmonica 2. Irish Clogging and 3. Pottery. My husband said that if I got really good and really bored maybe I could learn to do all three at once. Pretty sure I could. Aubrey keeps me active and up on all the latest, fo shizzle, snizzle!

So, life is going along and for us there's no "looking on the brightside" because it seems we're living on the brightside (don't mean to brag, don't mean to boast). Shortly after college graduation, both older girls get engaged to guys that I'd like to think are what we would have raised our own sons to be. (Tom is happy that they both like beer and fishing.)

And then, surprise, surprise, we get the news that we are going to be Grandparents!!! and as of 4:04 a.m. on Friday, February 18th, Macyn Jewel made her graceful entrance into this world under the light of one of the most beautiful full moons I have witnessed in a long time. I have always marveled at the power of the moon at its fullest but am now an enamored fan!!

So with the help of Jimmy and Katie, not only did they give life to our very first grandchild, but they revived my blog. (Sorry Val, I know you've been bugging me but I now I have inspiration!)
For now, I will sign off............but stay tuned............this is gonna get good.